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10 Tips To Help You Stay Productive At Work

Last updated on August 17th, 2020.

By the LunchEAZE Team

If you are like me, you may find it hard to concentrate and stay productive even when you have a thousand projects on your plate and a million tasks to complete. Whether you’re finding yourself scrolling through Instagram for hours during work, chatting the day away with your coworkers, or just simply can’t get anything done, LunchEAZE has got your back with 10 effective ways to stay productive at work!

10. Clean your work station.

You’d be surprised how much a cluttered desk or workstation can distract your busy mind. First thing’s first, clean your work area! Staying organized will make everything else a little easier. No more wasting time looking for pens and paper and trying to find something you just had in your hand.

9. Make a numbered to-do list.

Multi-tasking is NOT key. Multi-tasking can lead to sloppy half-finished work and unfinished projects since you are dividing your attention between different things. What helps me is creating a numbered to-do list each day or week and moving down the list of tasks one by one. If one task proves to be more urgent than another, just move it up on the list. This will minimize your tendencies to get overwhelmed, boosts confidence, and gives reassurance each time you cross off something from that list.

8. Turn your phone off or put it on airplane mode.

Constant dings and pings from your phone will definitely hinder your work flow. Are you finding yourself getting distracted by your friends tagging you in memes or group chats talking about a new taco stand in town? Just turn off your phone! You’d be surprised how freeing it is to not have a device constantly telling you, “pay attention to me!”.

7. Set a time limit on your apps.

If you’re someone who can’t turn off their phone for work but also can’t find the self control to stop scrolling on social media, the time limit feature is perfect for you. A few apps like Instagram will have a feature that lets you track your hours spent on the app and send you reminders when you’re reaching your desired time limit. Or you can use apps like Offtime to block those distracting apps altogether.

6. Log out of your accounts.

In addition to setting time limits on your social media apps, put more barriers of entry between yourself and those distractions. You probably have a hard time using self control because it is too easy to click on a button to immerse yourself in a page full of endless entertaining content. One simple way to make it not as easy for yourself is to log out of all of your accounts. Making the process itself annoying and tedious will deter you from going on in the first place.

5. Take frequent small breaks.

Take small and frequent breaks throughout the day to refresh your mind and replenish your body so each task seems less daunting. Going on your phone does not count! Physically taking yourself out of the workplace for a few minutes is most effective. Go for a walk outside and stretch your limbs. Sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman found that the human body follows a rest-activity cycle every 90-120 minutes which means that your body craves a break to rest and recover after about 90 minutes of work. Even a 30 second microbreak can increase your productivity levels up to 30 percent.

4. Set some boundaries.

This is important if you or your coworkers are chatterboxes. Keep yourself and your peers accountable by setting boundaries. For example, if your manager is constantly checking in on you and trying to talk to you about how his/her car broke down that one time five years ago, it’s worth having an honest discussion with him/her about what they need to do in order for you to stay productive. Let your peers know ahead of time that you are trying to finish a project by the deadline so that they are less prone to distracting you or interrupting you throughout the day. Remember, that communication is key! People won’t know how to help you be successful unless you tell them.

3. Stay hydrated.

Water is key! If you find yourself constantly battling headaches, exhaustion, and more, you are probably suffering from dehydration. Make sure to pack multiple bottles of water with you to work and keep yourself hydrated by leaving them right by your side at your workstation. 

2. Reward yourself with good healthy food.

A healthy balanced diet will lead to better productivity and prevent lethargy during those sluggish afternoon hours. Skip the fast food and caffeine which only leads to your body crashing when you need it to function most. LunchEAZE keeps me satisfied with hot meals whenever I want and I don’t even have to leave my desk! LunchEAZE is a cordless, battery-powered, heated lunch box that automatically heats your food at the time you want. The fact that it heats my food automatically makes everything hassle-free and I no longer spend copious amounts of time and money on eating out. This handy gadget is also great for those who don’t have access to microwaves at work and are always on-the-go.

1. Stay positive!

We all have our good and bad days. Just remember: you are not a machine! We are all human and we can only stay productive for so long. Celebrate your accomplishments, and don’t let small grievances and setbacks get to you. Stay confident in your abilities and you will accomplish your dreams!

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